
Multipurpose – Point of Sale for WooCommerce

Multipurpose-Point of Sale plugin for WooCommerce! Sell online and in your physical retail store - no monthly fees, no need to sync inventory.
최근 업데이트일
May 13, 2024
Multipurpose – Point of Sale for WooCommerce

Multipurpose – Point of Sale for WooCommerce provide you to sell products online with Pos Screen

The main advantage of our pos system is Easy to use and free Technical support, coupon, voucher, invoice, hold, Barcode, etc. it helps to improve your business, our support member give you quick and fast support with no need for another pos plugin and extension to run the pos system.

Additional Feature

  1. Clean and responsive Design work on PC/Tablet
  2. Compatible Tax setting
  3. Dashboard
  4. Quick add and edit orders
  5. Quick add and search customers
  6. Fast search and ajax loading
  7. Product Stock and other info
  8. Directly add to cart with options Stock alert
  9. Fixed/Percent Discount Calculate Change 10.POS users automatically get redirected to the POS login and interface 11.Guest and Registered Customer 12.Coupon and voucher (Pro) 13.Add To Cart By Barcode Scan (Pro) 14.Stock in(Pro) 15.Barcode (Pro) 16.Order Comment 17.Sale Report (Pro) 18.Multi User 19.Advance Setting (Pro)

Used Library

DataTables 1.13.4 version Chart.js v3.9.1

Online Document Link

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