
Modular Custom CSS

WordPress core provides custom CSS functionality in the customizer that's specific to the current theme; you can switch themes freely with each t …
최근 업데이트일
September 17, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목

WordPress core provides custom CSS functionality in the customizer that’s specific to the current theme; you can switch themes freely with each theme’s additional CSS remaining in place. Sometimes, you need some CSS to apply regardless of the current theme persistently. This plugin adds a plugin CSS option for CSS that’s global and persists across theme changes.

With the Customizer, your CSS is instantly live-previewed, offering the ability to see exactly how your site will look before you publish your changes. The plugin CSS option is stored as an option. Prior to WordPress 4.7 (which introduced additional CSS in core), theme-specific CSS was stored as a theme_mod, in 4.7 and newer this is migrated to the core CSS functionality (which is theme-specific).

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활성화된 설치 항목
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