The Mobile Blocks plugin makes it easy to create awesome mobile pages for WordPress using the Gutenberg Block Editor.
최근 업데이트일
March 22, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Mobile Blocks

The Mobile Blocks plugin makes it easy to create awesome mobile pages for WordPress using the Gutenberg Block Editor.

The Background

In May 2021 Google Search is releasing its Web Vitals update that will make having great mobile pages even more important to your website ranking. Google Web Vitals will look at a range of factors, including the design and speed of your mobile pages. Our plugin makes it easy to make sure your website is fully optimized for mobile and ready for the Google Web Vitals update.

Video introduction

Plugin Benefits

  • Create 100% unique page content for mobile devices
  • Create awesome mobile pages for WordPress
  • Create ‘mobile first’ page designs
  • Improve Mobile Page Speed scores on Google
  • Improve SEO ranking

Plugin Features

  • A desktop tab and a mobile tab make it easy to create content for specific devices
  • Use for the whole page or for specific sections of the page
  • Convert existing pages into mobile optimised pages using our ‘1 click’ import
  • Duplicate desktop content to the mobile tab for quick editing
  • Can be used for any WordPress content that uses the Gutenberg Block Editor
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활성화된 설치 항목
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