
WordPress Mobile only & Desktop Only Content

A simple plugin which lets you add Mobile Only & Desktop only content on website/blog. Use [mobileonly][/mobileonly] [desktoponly][/desktoponly]
최근 업데이트일
September 12, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목
WordPress Mobile only & Desktop Only Content

Have different content for mobile and desktop on the same page. Display what is for mobile users and hide it from desktop users and display what’s for desktop users and hide from mobile. You can also use our buttons under text editor to add shortcode. Simple plugin

What do you need to do to make it work?

*1. Download the plugin (If you are not installing directly from WordPress)

*2. Upload the plugin on to WordPress

*3. Activate the plugin

*4. Wherever you want to display the content for mobile only just use this shortcode [mobileonly] your content here[/mobileonly] – You can also use our buttons under text editor to add shortcode.

*5. Wherever you want to display the content for desktop only just use this shortcode [desktoponly] your content here[/desktoponly]- You can also use our buttons under text editor to add shortcode.

*6. Happy days. You now have content which is exclusive to the device which you defined.

(Please note that plugin is compatible with visual composer, I recommend using textarea for adding short codes. Send me an email if you struggle.)

That’s pretty much it!

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