Load smaller content images for mobile devcices with a mobile first approach
최근 업데이트일
March 3, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목

The plugin tries to detect what device the user is on. If it’s detected as a mobile device or unknown the content images can be swapped with a smaller Post Thumbnail size of choice to save bandwidth.


  • PHP5
  • Tested and works with Worpress version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3
  • NOT working in WordPress 2.9 and all version older than that
  • Will probably cause some issues with other plugins trying to modify content images

Test the plugin

When testing if the plugin swapped your images use a real device or the iphone simulator. Changing the useragent to mobile on you desktop browser will not work.

Make it better

You can find the code on Github and do whatever you like with it

Thank you

phpQuery for making it easy to parse the html and Categorizr for mobile first device detection.

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