Call Tracking by Message Metric.
최근 업데이트일
May 16, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목

Message Metric call tracking empowers businesses to find and identify the marketing campaigns that create phone calls. Our WordPress plugin is very easy-to-install and allows you to dynamically swap one or more phone numbers displayed on any page of your website based on referral sources. We can track how visitors find your website and call your business.

For example, you can have one or more tracking numbers to do things like:

  • Track all calls on 1 number.
  • Track visitors from PPC ads. (Direct integration w/ Google Adwords conversions)
  • Track visitors from Organic Search.
  • Track direct referral visitors from sites like Yelp, Foursquare, Directories, etc.

To get started you simply install the wordpress plugin, connect to your Message Metric Call Tracking Account, choose the JavaScript option and the number or numbers you want replaced with any rules and we’ll automatically replace the phone number on your website with the appropriate tracking phone number based on your rules.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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