
Mixcloud Embed

The Mixcloud Embed plugin allows you to embed the Mixcloud player with the playlist or put a widget with your Mixcloud account.
최근 업데이트일
September 3, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목

The Mixcloud Embed plugin allows you to add the Mixcloud player into your WordPress blog or page, by using the [mixcloud] shortcode. You can also display a playlist of the cloudcast. In the last version there is the possibility to use a widget on your sidebar for view your Mixcloud profile.


As default you only need to copy the URL of the song from Mixcloud you wish to add into your WordPress post or page, and past it between [mixcloud] and [/mixcloud]


Make sure it’s the permalink (…com/artist-name/dj-set-or-live-name/) instead of “…com/domenicobiancardi/“.

The optional parameters are height and width:

[mixcloud height="100" width="400"][/mixcloud]

If you want display a cloudcast profile you must add the parameter profile with value true

[mixcloud profile="true"][/mixcloud]

If you want embed an entire playlist you must add the url of the playlist:


This shortcode display a cloudcast profile BJT.


This version accepts the following parameters:

  • Height: integer value
  • Width: integer value
  • Iframe: boolean value
  • Playlist: boolean value
  • Profile: boolean value


[mixcloud][/mixcloud] [mixcloud height="100" width="400"][/mixcloud] [mixcloud iframe="true"][/mixcloud] [mixcloud iframe="false"][/mixcloud] [mixcloud][/mixcloud] [mixcloud profile="true"][/mixcloud]
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