
Miappi: Social Media Wall

Show social media feeds and hashtag content in one widget.
최근 업데이트일
June 10, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
Miappi: Social Media Wall

Miappi helps brands collect, curate and display their most valuable social content to increase engagement and impact across all channels.

Use the Miappi plugin to unite all your social media accounts and user generated content into an awesome social media wall.

Collect the best user generated content (UGC) from brand advocates plus the best of your owned social media. Curate and moderate that content in the Miappi dashboard and then display the best of it on any digital marketing channel (websites, digital signage, touch-screen kiosks) to better engage your audience and drive sales.

Miappi collects content from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and many more networks.

IMPORTANT Before downloading this plugin contact Miappi and request a demo of the product.

무료Creator 요금제에서
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