
Menu Cache

Caches WordPress navigation menus.
최근 업데이트일
December 2, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목


Caches the output of your menus. That’s it 😉

Specifically, it caches the output for every unique page. This allows the menus to retain the current/parent/child classes unlike most other menu caching plugins.

Why should I use this plugin?

If you want to cache your menu content obviously, but specifically if you want to cache your menu content and keep the current/parent/child page classes working. Most menu caching systems do not cater for keeping the various classes working, whereas this plugin does.

Why shouldn’t I use this plugin?

You should not use this plugin if you have a huge number of posts/pages on your site. The plugin caches each menu individually for each post. This can result in a huge number of cached menus on some sites, which could actually resulted in a slower site in those situations. It could also overload your object cache backend if it has insufficient memory to store them all.


무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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