
LocalWeb All In One

LocalWeb All In One integrates services such as Web Instant Messenger, Google Analytics, and a GDPR-compliant Cookie Banner into your website.
최근 업데이트일
April 15, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
LocalWeb All In One

LocalWeb All In One is a versatile WordPress plugin developed exclusively for Local Web S.R.L clients. It integrates essential services such as Web Instant Messenger, Google Analytics, Contact Form 7, and a GDPR-compliant Cookie Banner, enhancing website engagement and performance.

Key Features:

  • Cookie Banner Integration: Integrates cookie banner consent functionality to ensure your website complies with GDPR requirements.
  • Web Instant Messenger Integration: Embeds the Web Instant Messenger script into your website, activating a chat window for enhanced user interaction . All chat interactions and information entered into the chat window are transmitted to LocalWeb’s server.
  • Google Analytics Integration: Facilitates integration with both Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Tag Manager (GTM) for advanced tracking capabilities.
  • Contact Form 7 Integration: Provides customization options for Contact Form 7 to optimize script and style usage based on your website’s needs.

:warning: Note: This plugin is intended exclusively for LocalWeb clients and leverages services provided by LocalWeb.

For more information, updates, and support, please visit LocalWeb’s official website.

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