
List Contributors

Create a special section on your website to show off contributing authors and their posts in style.
최근 업데이트일
April 15, 2010
활성화된 설치 항목

List Contributors does exactly what it says; shows a list of your contributing authors and their posts. Uses jQuery to hide/show their biographies. Allows for rich-text descriptions as well as photographs. Integrates seamlessly with the WordPress User database.

Feature List

  • Identify your contributors from a drop-down menu of all registered WordPress users on your site.
  • Each contributor gets a description and an optional photograph.
  • Accordion-like slides hide and show contributor biographies and photographs.
  • Turn jQuery on or off from the admin panel to prevent conflicts.
  • Display your contributors using template tag or shortcode.
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활성화된 설치 항목
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