
List Child Pages Shortcode

A simple plugin to add list of child pages within the content of a parent page.
최근 업데이트일
July 31, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목
List Child Pages Shortcode

I could not find an easy plugin that enabled me to use a shortcode that would enable me to publish a list of child pages under a parent page. So, I built one.


Example 1: Order the child pages by publish date in descending order: [listchildpages aclass=”” ifempty=”No child pages” orderby=”publish_date” order=”desc” displayimage=”no”]<h3>Here are our child pages:</h3>[/listchildpages]

Example 2: Order the child pages by title in ascending order with the page’s featured image aligned left: [listchildpages aclass=”” ifempty=”No child pages” orderby=”title” order=”asc” displayimage=”YES” align=”alignleft”]<h3>Here are our child pages:</h3>[/listchildpages]

The shortcode accepts all of the Order and Orderby Parameters listed within the WordPress class reference.

Built by DK New Media, visit the MarTech to keep up on this plugin and other marketing tools to help you grow your online presence!

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