
WordPress List Articles

This plugin is the most effective plugin which easily display your posts and pages and category and also sitemap through shortcode on front end.
최근 업데이트일
November 28, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
WordPress List Articles

This plugin is the most effective plugin which easily display your posts and pages and category and also sitemap through shortcode on front end.

For Pages Please use this shortcode [pages], if you want to exclude some pages than use [pages excludepage=”1″]

For Posts Please use this shortcode [posts], if you want to exclude some posts than use [posts excludepost=”1″]

For Category Please use this shortcode [cat], if you want to exclude some category than use [cat excludecat=”1″]

If you want to show the sitemap of site so please use this shortcode[sitelist], if you want to exclude some pages or post in sitemap so please use this type [sitelist excludepost=”1″ excludepage=”1″]

If you want to hide the posts in sitemap please use this [sitelist showpost=”no”]

In PHP files please use this type ‘do_shortcode(‘[pages]’);’

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