
Divi Lightbox for Images

Divi Lightbox for self linked individual images
최근 업데이트일
November 6, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
Divi Lightbox for Images

If Divi Gallery setting is active in Divi Options menu, Divi Theme & Builder use a native Lightbox script to open a modal window when a user click on an image from a gallery. But this script isn’t available for individual self linked images.

This plugin use Divi’s Native Lightbox also for individual self linked images. The only requisite is to have Divi Theme (or builder) installed and active and, of course, Divi Gallery option active in Divi Options menu.

The purpose of this plugin is to avoid installation of another plugin to achieve the Lightbox effect also for individual images. The goal is to obtain a better performance, reducing the need of installing more plugins instead of use of already installed, and misused, scripts.

The plugin Divi Lightbox for self linked Individual Images loads the Lightbox script in footer for better optimization and performance.

This plugin only works with Divi Theme or Divi Builder plugin installed & active:

No options, just activate the plugin and it’s done.

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