
Letter Template

Allows visitors to populate business letter template providing their custom attributes via form.
최근 업데이트일
November 10, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목

Letter Template allows you to setup a template for business letter with a placeholders for your visitors to fill up with their personal data using form fields and later download the ready to mail letter as a printable *.doc file. Also it allows you to build a list of recipient Businesses with their name and address for the visitor to choose from.


Main Functions and Features

  • Manage list of recipient Businesses;
  • Build as many form fields for the visitor to fill up.
  • Set up Business recipient template;
  • Set up Business Letter Template with placeholder fields for the visitor to fill up.

Field types currently supported:

  • Short Text – a single line input;
  • Multi-line Text Area – self explanatory;
  • Predefined Text – a checkbox to show/hide specific part of the letter content;
  • Date – a date calendar input;
  • Business Select – a dropdown of recipient Businesses;
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활성화된 설치 항목
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