
Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce

Checkout is an embedded checkout solution and includes all popular payment methods (Pay Now, Pay Later, Financing, Installments).
최근 업데이트일
June 17, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce

Checkout is an embedded checkout solution and includes all popular payment methods (Pay Now, Pay Later, Financing, Installments). With Checkout, Klarna is your single payment provider.

Our complete checkout is a seamless and mobile optimized solution that delivers a best-in-class user experience that comes with all our payment methods. It also identifies the customer and enables one-click repeat purchases across Klarna’s merchant network, resulting in increased average order value, conversions, and loyalty.

This official Klarna extension also makes it easy for you to handle orders in WooCommerce after a purchase is complete. With a single click of a button, you can activate, update, refund and cancel orders directly from WooCommerce without logging into the Klarna administration.

Pay Now (direct payments)

Customers who want to pay in full at checkout can do it quickly and securely with a credit/debit card. Friction-free direct purchases while maximising the value for your business thanks to guaranteed payments. If they have a Klarna account they can save their details and enjoy one-click purchases from then on.

Pay later (invoice)

Try it first, pay it later. Delayed payments for customers who like low friction purchases and to pay after delivery.

Slice it (installments)

Installment, revolving and other flexible financing plans let customers pay when they can and when they want.

How to Get Started

What’s the difference between Klarna Checkout and Klarna Payments?

Klarna as your single payment provider keeps everything under one roof. You’ll have one agreement, one point of contact, one settlement file, one payout with Klarna Checkout. It only takes a single integration to deliver the full Klarna hosted checkout experience through a widget placed on your site.

Klarna Payments removes the headaches of payments, for both consumers and merchants. Complement your checkout with a Klarna hosted widget located in your existing checkout which offers payment options for customers with a smooth user experience.

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