
Kantbtrue about me

An elegant about me widget and profile widget for blogs. With this plugin you can add title, description with links, profile image and social links.
최근 업데이트일
June 19, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Kantbtrue about me

An elegant sidebar widget plugin to beautify your about me section at the sidebar of your wordpress blog. With this plugin you can add title, description with links, profile image and social links.

It is a about me widget plugin which is also called as profile widget, about widget, author info box, author box, or just simple sidebar about section. What ever you call it, it will make your about section stand out and attract user’s attention.

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Features:: – Fields: Title, Bio, Image, Social Links – Text Alignment Options: Left, Right, Center – Image Styles: Round, Square – Social Support: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Bloglovin Personal Website

PRO version features: – Signature field: You can add your signature in the widget.

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