
Jet Random Members Widget

en: Create a cloud of users on your social network! Do you have many users? Do you want more communication? Install this widget!
최근 업데이트일
July 8, 2010
활성화된 설치 항목

en: Create a cloud of users on your social network! Do you have many users? Do you want more communication? Install this widget! Provides random members avatar with link to profile

ru: Создайте облако пользователей Вашей социальной сети! У Вас много пользователей? Хотите больше коммуникаций? Установите этот виджет!

!!!!!!!!!!! ru: Данная версия плагина не будет поддерживаться в новых версия BuddyPress ( и выше), взамен будет новый плагин: en: This version of the plug will not be supported in the new version BuddyPress ( and above) will return the new plugin:

Jet Unit Site Could ( !!!!!!!!!!!

Live demo (need registration)

! backward compatibility with 1.1.3


For suggestions, bugs, hugs and love can be donated at the following locations.

Authors page

Plugin page

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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