
Job Board Manager for WordPress

Simple and easy to use Job Manager Plugin to create job board with users job listings, manage job from frontend dashboard to your site.
최근 업데이트일
February 24, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목
Job Board Manager for WordPress

Jemployee, a Job Manager plugin for WordPress, is a simple and lightweight Job Listings plugin for adding job post & manage job board from WordPress site. It features complete frontend dashboard for recruiter and candidate, location based job posting and job search, online application functionality, and many more. It is easy to use and simple to integrate. You also can use it as a directory listings site (slightly modification needed).


Add, categorize, and manage job listings using frontend dashboard and familiar WordPress User Interface. Ajax powered searchable and filterable job listing. Location based Job Listings using Google Map API Allow users to search job by location using google map. Allow users to apply online and bookmark the job. Allow users to manage Profile, Job, Resume/CV from Frontend dashboard. Allow job lister to access candidate CV Allow guest to email job listing to others. Allow job lister to edit or delete open job. Developer friendly coding.

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