
Integrate Elementor Form With Mailster

Easiest way to integrate Elementor Pro Forms with Mailster Newsletter. Includes: custom fields selection, Mailster list selections, double opt-in and …
최근 업데이트일
March 22, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
Integrate Elementor Form With Mailster

The Integrate Elementor Form With Mailster is intended as a simple integration for the Elementor Pro Forms to subscribe direclty to Mailster Lists whithout any code.

Now you can add all custom fields created in Mailster and sincronize through the elementor form field ID, take care in changing all ID’s to different names. The list selection is better with Select2 functionality, making it easy to choose which lists you want to add the subscribers.

You have the option to Enable/Disable the Double Opt-in (enabled by default), and to Overwrite or not, if the users already exists in the Mailster list.

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