
Inline JavaScript in Head

Boosts performance of critical short JavaScripts by placing their content directly into the HTML head.
최근 업데이트일
April 29, 2020
활성화된 설치 항목

CAUTION: This plugin is now deprecated! The successor plugin is Embed JavaScript File Content. The new plugin is rebuild from scratch and more rock solid: It respects order and position of scripts and extra scripts added via wp_add_inline_script or wp_localize_script don’t get lost. Give it a try!

In some cases you cannot wait for a JavaScript file to load, even if it is placed early in the <head> section of your template. You can benefit from better performance, if you place the JavaScript code directly inside a <script> tag into the header. This is where this plugin comes in: It provides a filter inline_javascript_in_head_handles, which takes JavaScript handles, dequeues those scripts and echos their code content inline into the head section instead of linking them via a script tag.

Please beware that placing lots of JavaScript code inline in the <head> section can be critical! First you lose caching benefits and second the document size can increase easily. A general rule of thumb is that you should only consider JavaScript files for inline placement, which are critical and which have a file size lower than ~500 Bytes.


add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts' ); function my_scripts() { // Some critical script is enqueued wp_enqueue_script( 'js-detection', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/js-detection.js' ); } /** * Define JavaScript handles to be echoed inline in the html head section. */ add_filter( 'inline_javascript_in_head_handles', 'my_inline_javascript_in_head_handles', -20 ); function my_inline_javascript_in_head_handles( $handles ) { $scripts = [ 'js-detection' ]; return array_merge( $handles, $scripts ); }
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