With informvisitors, you can start sending browser push notifications to your clients in less than a minute.Just install the plugin and enjoy.
최근 업데이트일
July 8, 2021
활성화된 설치 항목

Installing the informvisitors plugin will automatically insert the required code on your WordPress website, once you add username of your informvisitors account. To get started, you just have to install this plugin, make an account at informvisitors. We will contact you and give you your username. Just add the username in Settings page of WordPress and you are done. Once live, you can see all the details and send push from your panel at informvisitors website.

What is informvisitors?

informvisitors lets you talk to your subscribers in a succinct, easy and delightful manner, using push notifications on browser. Push Notifications are clickable messages sent directly to your subscribers’ browsers (even when they are not on your website). These work on all devices — desktops, tablets and even mobile phones — so you don’t even have to invest in building a mobile app for your business. The opt-in and click rates are amazing! Some of our early adopters have seen an opt-in rate of 40% (10X the rate at which an average email list builds, and 20X the rate at which an average Twitter list populates) and a click rate of 20%. Of course, you get to see all this data, right in your informvisitors dashboard, updated real-time.

Let us help you get amazing returns on your communications. For any questions, please get in touch with us at gd@informvisitors.com

How to use informvisitors for your website? Go to Informvisitors and register a account.


Enter your informvisitors username in the Settings page of WordPress(informvisitors)

Adding to your template

header code :

footer code :

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