
ImageComply – Alt Text Generator

ImageComply can generate alt text for your entire media gallery of images in the click of a button. Time saved, money saved.
최근 업데이트일
May 7, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
ImageComply – Alt Text Generator

ImageComply can generate alt text for your entire media gallery of images in the click of a button. Time saved, money saved. Happy you, happy boss, happy website.

Have you ever needed to write dozens, hundreds, or even thousands (thoughts & prayers) of image alt text? Did it cost you good money, or worse – your valuable time?

Try it for FREE: We’ll give you 30 free credits to start! No credit card needed. Sign up now at ImageComply

Have you ever needed to write dozens, hundreds, or even thousands (thoughts & prayers) of image alt text? Did it cost you good money, or worse – your valuable time?

ImageComply – Generate alt text for SEO, accessibility and ADA compliance

How to Use ImageComply

  1. Click on the “ImageComply” link under the “Media” menu in your dashboard.
  2. Enter your license key and click “Save Changes”.
  3. Click on “Generate ALT text for all images” to generate alt text for all images in your media library.

For more information, check out our ImageComply Documentation.

3rd Party Services Used

Google Fonts – Terms of Service: – Privacy:

ImageComply API (this one is ours) – Terms of Service: – Privacy Policy:

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