
Horizontal scrolling announcements

This horizontal scrolling announcement wordpress plugin lets scroll the content from one end to another end like reel. This plugin is using JQuery Mar …
최근 업데이트일
October 1, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
Horizontal scrolling announcements

This horizontal scrolling announcement wordpress plugin lets scroll the content from one end to another end like reel. This plugin is using JQuery Marquee script for scrolling. This is the simple way to create scrolling text in your website. Check official website for live demo

Live demo

Live Demo Documentation Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Free plugin.
  2. Easy to customize.
  3. It supports all major browsers.
  4. Configurable scroll speed.
  5. Pause the scroll on mouse over.
  6. Option to set announcement start date.
  7. Option to set expiration date/time for the announcement.

Short code for post

You can add your announcement into your wordpress post with the following shortcode.

[hsas-shortcode group="" speed="10" direction="left" gap="50"] [hsas-shortcode group="" speed="2" direction="down" gap="50"]

If you want to include this announcement in your custom theme, please look at the do_shortcode option in wordpress.

echo do_shortcode( '[hsas-shortcode group="" speed="10" direction="left" gap="50"]' );
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