Closure of external links from indexing using jQuery script.
최근 업데이트일
May 17, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
Hide Links

Hides external links from indexing by search engines using a jQuery masking links script ( more about the method in )


  • One click on editor button help to hide external links in search engine index
  • Automatically disallows indexing of all commenter’s links.
  • Simple shortcode [link][/link] easily hides any links in widgets or comments texts.


  1. In text editor place cursor on link
  2. Click on HideLinks button to add shortcode before and after link. Sample: [link]external link[/link]


After installing and activating plugin, hidden links look like ordinary ones. This moment can mislead and complicate work of plugin.

You can check whether plugin works correctly in two ways.

  1. On page, where there are hidden link or user comments, press keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+U — new tab with source code opens.
  2. Now press Ctrl+F on keyboard — field for text searching appears. Enter phrase in it data-link and press Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Browser found in source code all matches with necessary phrase (it is present in hidden link). In search box to the right of entered phrase, inscription with number of found matches appears (i.e. hidden links), and near — arrows for transition to previous and next found fragment.
  4. If in found fragment after phrase data-link goes link address you have hidden (or site address commentator) — it means that plugin hides link.

Sample: <span data-link="" data-target="_blank" title="Title" class="link">anchor</span> not like this: <a href="" target="_blank" title="Title" class="">anchor</a>

PRO Features

HideLinks Pro allow:

  1. Automatically hide all external links in post content
  2. Control script including (inline or file)


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활성화된 설치 항목
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