
Header and Footer Scripts

Header and Footer Scripts plugin allows you to add scripts to WordPress site's and just before closing tag.
최근 업데이트일
April 26, 2020
활성화된 설치 항목
Header and Footer Scripts

If you are running a WordPress site then sooner or later you need to insert some kind of code to your website. It is most likley a web analytics code like Google Analytics or may be social media script or some CSS stylesheet or may be Custom fonts. This plugin will do all the magic. Even if you want to insert those codes in a custom post type.

All you have to do is adding appropriate html code.

Don’t forget to wrap your code with proper tags.

<script type="text/javascript"> YOUR JS CODE HERE </script>

Or for CSS:

<style type="text/css"> YOUR CSS CODE HERE </style>

Why use this plugin:

  • To insert CSS and JavaScript codes to <head> or before </body>.
  • To insert code to <head> of any single page or post.
  • To insert code to Custom Post Type [New Feature].

The plugin should be compatible with WooCommerce.

What it does not offer

  • You can’t insert/execute PHP codes.

Almost all WordPress theme do support this “Header and Footer Scripts” plugin. If the codes are not appearing in your site [ask for support] or look at your theme file if they have standard wp_head and wp_footer hooks.

Important Links

For furhter information you are welcomed to follow these links:

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