
Gr80 JWPlayer Plugin Helper Panel

JWPlayer Panel registers a meta box in your Post Writing Panel, where you enter your video title/url/thumbnail, and get those displayed automatically …
최근 업데이트일
December 28, 2010
활성화된 설치 항목

JWPlayer Panel registers a meta box in your Post Writing Panel, where you enter your video title/url/thumbnail, and get those displayed automatically before the post content using the official JWPlayer ( Must be installed prior to using this plugin ).

Important Note:

JW Player Plugin for WordPress must be installed prior to installing this plugin, JWPlayer Panel only integrates with it, does not embed the SWF player on its own. And that is because of the flexibility and options it does provide, that makes it a waste of time to replicate such features while they exist already.


You can customize the player skin, and look and feel from the JW Player Plugin for WordPress, and this plugin, JWPlayer Panel, will use the default customization set.

To do

  • Add Multiple Videos
  • Provide Options page to modify default options / Choose from JWPlayer setups
  • Automatic Thumbnail Creation
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활성화된 설치 항목
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