

Create a Google Map, Elevation image or Speed image from your (Garmin) GpX files.
최근 업데이트일
September 16, 2010
활성화된 설치 항목

With this plugin you will be able to add GPX files to your WordPress environment. After uploading a GPX file you are able to generate a Google Map in your blogpost with a simple tag. An elevation (graph) image and a speed (graph) image are also available.

Use Google map By using the syntax [gpx2graphics map 1] you will add a Google Map of the GPX file with ID 1 into your blogpost. The [gpx2graphics map 1] tag will be automatically replaced with the correct JS file.

Use Elevation image By using the syntax [gpx2graphics elevation 1] you will add a elevation image of the GPX file with ID 1 into your blogpost. The [gpx2graphics map 1] tag will be automatically replaced width the correct image tag.

Use image By using the syntax [gpx2graphics speed 1] you will add a speed image of the GPX file with ID 1 into your blogpost. The [gpx2graphics map 1] tag will be automatically replaced width the correct image tag.

Example page An example of the result in your weblog can be found here:

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활성화된 설치 항목
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