
GPP Base Hook Widgets

Adds 12 new widget areas to the Base WordPress theme framework using its action hooks.
최근 업데이트일
April 8, 2011
활성화된 설치 항목

GPP Base Hook Widgets is a plugin that creates new widget areas for the Base theme by Graph Paper Press and attaches them to the theme’s action hooks. Basically, it allows you to add widgets pretty much anywhere.

Typically, to add extra stuff to the theme, you must use one of Base’s action hooks. This can be quite confusing to some users. This plugin was created mainly for those users without much PHP knowledge. It allows them to take advantage of Base’s hook system without the need to understand how it works. Of course, even advanced users can take advantage of this, especially when dealing with client work.

This plugin is for WordPress 3.0+ only.

You must have the Base theme installed to use it.

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