
Google Web Fonts Customizer (GWFC)

This plugin integrates WordPress Customizer with Google Web Fonts, to add and use google fonts to any themes, no coding needed.
최근 업데이트일
July 15, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목
Google Web Fonts Customizer (GWFC)

Google Web Fonts Customizer ( GWFC ) will manage Google Web Fonts to be used on your site using WordPress Customizer live preview, with wide variety usage from body tags until list tags. You can change your font weight, font style and also font color.

What does this plugin do?

  • You can use this plugin on any WordPress theme’s.
  • With this plugin, you can using Google Web Fonts into your WordPress theme’s typography.
  • This plugin integrate with WordPress Customizer live preview,
  • That mean you can preview your typography change in realtime before you save it.
  • You can change your font weight, font style and also your font color.
  • This plugin automatically change your fonts on theme’s typography, no need to edit theme’s stylesheet.

Please note: I am currently working on new feature for this plugin, any requests and suggestions can be sent to the following email

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