
Genesis Staff Bio Grid

This plugin creates a simple, intuitive way to list your staff with featured images and to display their bio in a lightbox. For Genesis sites only.
최근 업데이트일
August 4, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목
Genesis Staff Bio Grid

This plugin should only be used on Genesis sites (on non-Genesis sites, it won’t break anything, but it also won’t do anything at all other than setting up the post type).

Credit: Sridhar Katakam for the staff custom post type tutorial on which this plugin is based.

If you take a look at the tutorial above, you’ll see the basics of what this plugin does. In addition to setting up the staff-member post type and staff-position taxonomy, this plugin automatically sets up a thickbox lightbox which lets you show content about each staff member in a popup when the featured image is clicked.

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