gcStats plugin to embed some statistics with found geocaches in your blog.
최근 업데이트일
May 26, 2009
활성화된 설치 항목

gcStats is a plugin that focuses on GeoCaching and displays some Statistics in your blog.

  • NEW! Display your geocaches using the osm plugin by Michael Kang on a map
  • using shortcodes to add Statistics to your Blog
  • add a widget to your sidebar which displays types of caches you have found
  • Use Flash or HTML to visualize your Statistics
  • Simply upload your myFinds-GPX-File from geocaching.com and insert shortcodes


All shortcodes will look like this: [ GCSTATS type=”***” ] Possible values for attribute type: * total * countftf * lastfounds (additional attribute “number” for “My last number founds) * maxdist (needs attributes “lat” and “lon” for home-coordinates) * container (possible attribute useflash=”yes”) * weekdays (possible attribute useflash=”yes”) * type (possible attribute useflash=”yes”) * matrix

To display the OSM-Map please install the osm plugin and add the OSM-shortcode [ osm_map import=”gcstats,gcAccountName” ]

Please also see the examples on http://michael.josi.de/projects/gcstats/

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활성화된 설치 항목
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