
Gallery Face Groups

Gallery Face Groups
최근 업데이트일
August 2, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
Gallery Face Groups

Gallery Face Groups

This plugin recognizes faces on the pictures of a gallery, and groups pictures by people present on the shot. Saves a lot of time of finding friends and yourself on the pictures of big events. See for yourself how it works:

Demos * Demo Gallery * Grouped Faces of the Demo Gallery

Features * Operates with most popular Gallery plugin for WordPress – NextGEN Gallery. * Saves your visitors plenty of time when finding pictures on them and friends. * You can set the threshold for face matching. * When new pictures added to the gallery – no need to re-process old ones. * Easy to insert the grouped pages into any page – using shortcodes. * Generates pages by request as well. * Using high-tech biometry * Looks cool =)

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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