
Fense Proxy & VPN Blocker

Blocks Proxies, VPN's, select Countries, IP's, Ranges & ASN's accessing your site login or commenting on pages & posts using th …
최근 업데이트일
January 25, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Fense Proxy & VPN Blocker

Fense Proxy & VPN Blocker In Brief

Using the Fense API this plugin will prevent Proxies, Tor, VPN’s select Countries from accessing your WordPress Website (or the whole site!), and also prevent them from making comments on your pages and posts. This will also help to prevent spammers as many of them use Proxies to hide their true location.

Main Blocking Features

Below is a list of the main blocking features supported by this plugin.

  • Block Proxies, SOCKS4/4a & SOCKS5/5h, The Onion Router (TOR), Web Proxies and Compromised Servers.
  • Support for Cloudflare.
  • Optionally block VPN’s.
  • TLS Support for secure communication with the API.
  • Block select Countries and/or Continents by selecting them in a list.
  • Both IPv4 and IPv6 supported.

Added Extras

Fense Proxy & VPN Blocker has gone much further than just providing the basic API features of It has country blocking baked right in, an API Key statistics page for ease of use, providing the Dashboard API is enabled on your account. This is so you can manage most things from within WordPress and don’t have to log in to


  • You can specify the blocked message shown if a custom Block page isn’t specified.
  • You can specify a custom tag text that will be shown instead of the url the query was made from, in your positive detection log.


This plugin can be used with a API key, however it would be limited to 1000 daily queries. You can get a free API key from that allows for 1000 free daily queries, ideal for small WordPress sites!

There are paid higher query options available, Please see below how the free and paid API options work.

  • Free Users with an API Key = 1,000 Daily Queries.
  • Paid Users with an API Key = 10,000 to 10.24 Million+ Daily Queries.

Privacy Notice

This plugin is designed to work with the API and by extension of this, the IP addresses of your site visitors are sent to the API to be checked. No other user identifiable information is transmitted. Please refer to the privacy notice and GDPR Compliance for further information. The plugin developer does not have access to information that identifies your website users.

This plugin Also can serve flag svg Images for example×3/us.svg from domain and also inorder for our service plugin to work you need a free account from website to get an api key .This Plugin relies on a 3rd party service called “fense” to enhance its functionality. This service is designed to block and prevent proxy, VPN, and secure websites. Users should be aware of the following information regarding the use of this external service:

External Service Details

our Api Will look like[API KEY]/[IP address][API KEY]

our Images look like×3/us.svg

Usage Conditions

This Plugin utilizes the “fense” service in the following conditions:

  1. Proactive Proxies, VPNs, … :

    • Fense employs advanced algorithms to detect and block access attempts from proxies, VPNs, and Tor networks. By doing so, it stops malicious actors in their tracks, making your website a less appealing target for nefarious activities.
  2. Geolocation Blocking:

    • Ability to block entire countries from accessing your website. This can be a game-changer for businesses that want to limit their online presence to specific geographic regions while safeguarding their data from potential threats in other areas.
  3. Referrer-Based Blocking:

    • Fense allows you to filter visitors based on the websites they’re coming from. If your analytics show that your website is receiving visits from harmful sources, you can quickly block traffic originating from those domains, reducing the risk of malicious activities.
  4. Real-Time Threat Analysis:

    • Fense is constantly updated to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of online threats. This means you’re always protected against the latest proxy, VPN, Tor, and other harmful traffic sources.
  5. User-Friendly WordPress Integration:

    • For many website owners, the heart of their online presence lies within WordPress. Fense recognizes this and offers a seamless integration through a dedicated plugin, ensuring that users can set up and manage their website’s security effortlessly.


This plugin is made by d, if you need support with the Fense Proxy & VPN Blocker plugin please use the WordPress Support page

Supporting The Plugin

Coding a plugin is a lot of hard work and any support from plugin users like you is very much welcomed. Contributions will help with encouragement to continually improve the plugin. Feedback and feature ideas are welcomed too!

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