
Fade in fade out xml rss feed

This plugin directly retrieve title from RSS XML feed and create the fade in fade out effect in the wordpress website.
최근 업데이트일
December 1, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Fade in fade out xml rss feed

This plugin directly retrieve title from RSS XML feed and create the fade in fade out effect in the wordpress website.

Check official website for live demo

Now a day’s everyone use fade in fade out text in some portion of the website to attract the user. So i have created new plug-in to do this. This plug-in directly retrieve title from RSS feed and create the fade in fade out effect in the word press website.

By default, the script fades from black-to-white upon enter, and white-to-black upon exit.

Do you want to create the fade in fade out effect for your own content? Then use WP fade in text news plugin.

  • Free.
  • Easy to customize.
  • Support all browser.
  • Read title from RSS feed.
  • Short code available for pages and posts.


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