
eShop Languages

Simple extension to eShop, providing translation files.
최근 업데이트일
November 4, 2013
활성화된 설치 항목

This simple plugin extends eShop with translation files. It does not need configuration. Just activate it on any site that has its language set to other than English and this plugin will try to provide eShop with the appropriate translation. That is, if it has a translation in your language available.

Translations in this files are done by other WordPress and eShop users and generously shared with the community. More translations will be added as soon as they become available.

Currently included translations

Marked with an * are in need of an update.

Included POT based on eShop version 6.3.10

New translations

If you have a recent translation for eShop available, and it is not already included on this plugin or the included one is in need of an upgrade, please contact me at Status301. When approved, your translation will be included in the next version and your name will be proudly listed above.

With all the thanks of the WordPress and eShop user community, of course! 🙂

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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