
Emergency Management

Handle all security topics: Reset passwords, delete sessions, define role-based password expiries, renew security KEYs & SALTs, define & monit …
최근 업데이트일
June 17, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Emergency Management

Provides means to reset all or selectable passwords (roles, users) and/or to delete (the related) sessions, to define a role-based password expiry, to renew your security KEYs & SALTs and to define & monitor your required password complexity/strength. Upon password reset, the related users will be informed by eMail. The eMail text can be edited easily through this plugin. When the password expiry function is set, users with the related roles will be required to renew their password upon login, once expired. When a certain password strength/complexity has been set, the password strength will be monitored and related hints will be displayed accordingly. This plugin is self explanatory and can be accessed through the users menu.

Inspired by: Joe Sexton (PW-Check with Regular Expressions and related basic functions structure) Inspired by: andymoyle (Plugin “Emergency password reset V6.1” providing this as a kind of ‘brute force’ functionality) Inspired by: Miller Media (Plugin “Expire User Passwords”, providing some basic ideas of functionality but in conflict with the plugin ‘Theme My Login’)

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활성화된 설치 항목
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