
Email Domain Checker for WP e-Commerce

This plugin validates the existence of the domain name that is entered in the email address while checkout for WP e-Commerce store owners.
최근 업데이트일
July 13, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin validates the existence of the domain name that is entered in the email address while checkout. This plugin strengthens your email validation by more than just the regular expression matching, thereby reducing chances of loosing an order due to incorrect email address & increasing accuracy of your data.

The checkout process cannot be completed till the email address is entered with the correct domain, thus eliminating any chances of a wrong email address (at least the domain can’t be wrong).

If the domain is not a valid domain, it will show an error and not allow the customer to checkout till the email address is entered with the correct domain.

Other free plugins for WP e-Commerce:

Premium plugins for WP e-Commerce:

  • Viral Coupon Pro – Promotes your store on Twitter & Google+ in addition to Facebook.
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