
Elementor Element Condition

Some elements in Elementor should not be displayed or must be displayed under certain conditions. Implement conditional logic on Elementor elements.
최근 업데이트일
November 22, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
Elementor Element Condition

This plugin adds the ability to add conditions to sections and widgets in order to be shown or not.

You can add your own values in your function.php using add_filter().

This plugin is currently pretty basic, you can only use only 2 operands (variables) and one operator (the stuff beetwen to values in a condition). No brackets and no AND / OR operators for now.

The Custom Fields are preloaded in plugin, so all you need is to enter the slug and it will work. If you’re not sure they work please check Debug mode and the variable should be replaced with the value.

The Condition field can be found in last section in Style tab of a widget.

For more details and examples check our official site

Note: This plugin is an addon of Elementor Page Builder ( and will only work with Elementor Page Builder installed.

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