
Simple File List Media

This plugin adds audio and video players to Simple File List.
최근 업데이트일
December 5, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목

Simple File List is a free plugin that is great for when you need to provide a list of files, either publicly available or private to logged-in users. This plugin is an add-on to SFL designed for those who have audio and video files in their lists. Instead of opening the media file in the browser, this plugin will allow you to show an in-line audio player and an HTML5 video player overlay.


  • Add audio and video players to Simple File List.
  • Display an inline audio player below the file name to allow your users to play audio files right on the list.
  • Video files open in an overlay, rather than directly within a new tab.
  • The audio player can be enabled/disabled in the settings.
  • The height of the audio player can be defined in the settings.

This plugin requires that you have Simple File List installed…

Simple File List

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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