EBooks distribution plugin for woocommerce. Enable you to sell epub3 ebooks directly to EpubSystems cloud and E-reading Apps.
최근 업데이트일
September 13, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
eBook WooSell

A plugin for easy and safely distribute epub3 books for DRM reading – using EpubSystems Ereading applications. Do not upload your digital books into your website. sell them as virtual products and let us do the rest. After installing the plugin, follow the instructions that we sent to you when you opened a publisher account with epubsystems.com The eBooks that you sell will be delivered to your client’s reading applications.

The plugin is using woocommerce hooks to communicated with EpubSystems servers and preform the eBooks delivery to your client. Contact us on epubsystems.com for more information.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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