
Easy HTML Sitemap

Easy HTML Sitemap - Display an HTML Sitemap for your wordpress pages using a shortcode. The sitemap is updated in realtime.
최근 업데이트일
February 25, 2020
활성화된 설치 항목

Easy HTML Sitemap plugin makes it super easy for you add a sitemap page on your website. HTML Sitemaps are great for website visitors.

Easy HTML Sitemap Plugin Features:

  1. Output a list of Pages with a simple shortcode. New pages will automatically appear in the sitemap as soon as they are added
  2. Include Multiple Post types in the sitemap
  3. Customize the HTML Wrappers to style post types in different ways
  4. Display Post Type name as Labels
  5. Exclude Specific posts by id
  6. Open links in new tab
  7. Order the sequenece in which the posts appear.
  8. Display Category based Sitemap. Ideal for displaying sitemap for blog posts (coming soon)

For more support visit Easy HTML Sitemap plugin page. We will be glad to help you.

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How to add FAQs on your site:

1. Add this [easy-html-sitemap] shortcode to the page/post where you want to show the sitemap


1. Got to Settings->Easy HTML Sitemap and find the options there
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