
Easy Custom Code (LESS/CSS/JS) – Live editing

Easily add custom LESS/CSS/JAVASCRIPT code and external resources (stylesheets and scripts) into your website via the WP customizer.
최근 업데이트일
April 18, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Easy Custom Code (LESS/CSS/JS) – Live editing

Add quickly and easily your own custom LESS/CSS/JAVASCRIPT code and external resources (stylesheets and scripts) to your website, via the core WP Customizer. You don’t even need to create a child-theme or create any other files in your current theme if you use this plugin. Just add your javascript, LESS/CSS code and everything will be stored automatically, in a compiled CSS file for the styles, and a JavaScript file for the scripts.

VIDEO (How it works?)


  • Add custom LESS/CSS to your site.
  • Unlimited external Stylesheets (modal window).
  • Custom JavaScript code.
  • Unlimited external Scripts (modal window).
  • JavaScript Position (head or footer) (Choose where to place the JavaScript custom code and the external JS Scripts.)
  • Add custom HTML code in the <head> tag.
  • Add custom HTML code right after open <body> tag.
  • Add custom HTML code before closing </body> tag.


  • Minified CSS code (You are able to choose from settings if you would like to have a minified CSS code after the LESS/CSS compiling.)
  • Maximize editor (You can open each code editor in a maximized modal window.)

What is LESS?

Here is an example how to write LESS/CSS code. Full documentation and less syntax in the official website

LESS code:

@global_color: #FF0000; @global_font_size: 14px; @secondary_color: #CCC; body { color: @global_color; font-size: @global_font_size; } .container { color: @secondary_color; font-size: @global_font_size * 2; }

Which outputs (CSS):

body { color: #FF0000; font-size: 14px; } .container { color: #CCC; font-size: 24px; }


Try Demo

Username: demo Password: demo
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