
Easy Coupon Code WP

Provides you the custom post type with ready meta fields to enable coupon module to your site.
최근 업데이트일
February 10, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin create a custom post type for coupon code that includes Coupon Start / End date, Discount in Percentage / Cash. The coupons are listed with all details so you can easily manage it from listing page. You can easily use this plugin by customization by your own to enable coupon feature to your site.

How to Use: This is custom post type so you can apply all the hooks / customization that you do with any custom post type. Below are the variables which are used to store values of coupons so you just need to use meta values for the same.

Coupon Code = np_ccode__ccode Discount In ( % or $ ) = np_ccode__discount_in Discount Amount/Percent = np_ccode__amt_per Coupon Start Date = np_ccode__ccstart_date Coupon End Date = np_ccode__ccstart_date

You can use above meta keys into your site by your own to customize your site coupon feature.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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