Easy Content Slider plugin is a responsive content slider with thumbnail navigation wordpress plugin. also you can create Horizontal Logo Slider.
최근 업데이트일
October 8, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
Easy Content Slider

Easy Content Slider Easy Content Slider plugin is a wordpress plugin designed to create interactive content slider functionality with category into your wordpress website with responsive.and with use thumbnail navigation with using move option. Easy Content Slider plugin can be linked with very easy and with no hard understanding. We are inclue new slider type which is use for create new Horizontal Logo Slider. you can user Post feature image for logo slider. We added new slider layout for Post Carousel Slider with thumbnail with many option.


[easy_slider category_id=1 limit=3 listPosition=left intervalDuration=2000 displayControls=true adaptiveDuration=200 transitionDuration=500 slidertype=default] [easy_slider category_id=1 limit=10 slidertype=slick display-dots='no' display-arrows='yes' slides_to_show=3 slides_to_scroll=3]

Plugin Features

  1. Easy use and customization post content slider plugin.
  2. Add post into slider with using feature image.
  3. Responsive
  4. you can easily manage intervalDuration, displayControls, adaptiveDuration and transitionDuration time with Shortcode.
  5. also you can manage navigation controll with displayControls option.If yous set displayControls=true then display navigation controll on slider.
  6. If you can use Horizontal Logo Slider then change slidertype value is : horizontal_logo. like: slidertype=horizontal_logo
  7. If you can user Carousel Slider then change slidertype value is : slick. like: slidertype=slick
  8. If you disable arrows then change display-arrows=’no’
  9. If you display dots then change display-dots=’yes’
무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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