
DX Out of Date

Display a notification box on the single view of your outdated posts, given a set amount of time (configurable).
최근 업데이트일
May 25, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
DX Out of Date

DX Out of Date allows you to display a notification box on your posts when a given amount of time has passed. Quite handy when writing tutorials or any content that might get outdated due to external factors – now you could automatically notify your readers after a given period.

You can configure the expiration time of your posts in the admin panel. Valid time units are days, months and years.

Currently the plugin options are:

  • Period – “amount” of “duration” units (1 to 40)
  • Duration frame (days, months, years)
  • Message – the message format for the notification box
  • Enable by default – a checkbox for enabling the message on all posts by default
  • Enable post status in Dashboard – a checkbox for adding an extra column in the Dashboard for the outdated status of posts
  • Post types to affect – allows you to choose which post types for display the message for
  • Position of the message – choose whether the message should be displayed at the top or at the bottom of a post’s content
  • Background color – Choose a background color for the message
  • Text color – Choose a text color for the message
  • Custom CSS – Add custom CSS rules to the message box
무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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