
Duplicate Page and Post

Duplicate post, Duplicate page and Duplicate custom post or clone page and clone post.
최근 업데이트일
April 5, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Duplicate Page and Post

Duplicate page and post plugin provides functionality to create a clone of page or posts. You can duplicate pages, posts and custom post by single click and it will be saved as draft. Duplicate page and post doesn’t have a lot of features that other plugins have, but it also is lightning fast by comparison.

Major features of this plugin include

  • Create a clone of particular page.
  • Create a clone of particular post.
  • Create a clone of particular custom post(CPT).
  • Option to select editor (Classic and Gutenberg)
  • Option to add Post Suffix.
  • Option to add custom text for duplicate link button.
  • Option to select Duplicate Posts Status.
  • Option to Redirect after click on Duplicate.

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