
Display Custom Fields

This plugin allows you to display the value of a custom field on a page or post. Permitted values are raw text, html, javascript, javascript file url, …
최근 업데이트일
July 31, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin allows you to display the value of a custom field on a page or post. Permitted values are raw text, html, javascript, javascript file url, css, css file.

Since version 1.1.x it also allows you to show a custom field of any page or post, provided you have the id.

One of the intended use of this plugin is to provide just in time code without editing the theme. Often code, especially css, gets lost with theme change. This techniques will ensure the values are loaded only on the given page and they will survive changes of themes and other plugins.

You can also use this to include javascript snippets or files. They will only be loaded on the given post or page. This in turn allows for loading of scripts only where needed.

You may use the plugin in two ways: [dcf field=”name_of_custom_field”] or optionally you can – define the type of the field value. By default the type is “raw”. – provide the id number of the page or post. By default, it would be the current page/post id. [dcf field=”name_of_custom_field” type=”value_type” id=’post_or_page_id_number’]

The accepted value types are:

“raw” – this is the default and you do not need to specify this type. It outputs the value as it is. You can use html code in the values quite safely.

“js” – use this to specify that the value is actually javascript. Do not wrap it with the script tag. Remember that $ is not a valid jQuery replacement in WordPress. You should use “jQuery” instead.

“jsf” – You may need to include a javascript file. The value of the custom field should be a fully qualified javascript file url.

“css” – use this to specify css code in the value of the custom field.

“cssf” – You may need to include a css file. The value of the custom field should be a fully qualified css file url. Here I would like to note that: – It is highly unusual to include css files in the body. However, it does work. – There may be a side effect that some elements may not show properly until the css file is completely loaded.

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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