
Disable Google Fonts

Disable enqueuing of fonts from Google used by WordPress core, default themes, Gutenberg, and many more.
최근 업데이트일
February 24, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목

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This plugin stops loading of fonts from Google Fonts used by WordPress core, Gutenberg plugin, bundled themes (Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, Twenty Fourteen, Twenty Fifteen, Twenty Sixteen, Twenty Seventeen), and most other themes. If theme or plugin (whose name is not listed here) uses fonts from Google Fonts, those fonts still might be loaded if that theme or plugin loads fonts from Google in a way that is incompatible with this plugin.

Reasons for not using Google Fonts might be privacy and security, local development or production, blocking of Google’s servers, characters not supported by font, performance.

Disable Google Fonts is a very lightweight, it has no settings, just activate it and it works immediately.

And it’s on GitHub.

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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