Add and customize DemandHub's website widgets on your WordPress website
최근 업데이트일
April 3, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

DemandHub Widgets are a collection of tools to help local businesses capture more leads from their website through chat, and also highlight their great reviews.

After connecting your website to DemandHub, local businesses are empowered to:

  • Generate more conversations with potential customers using Webchat
  • Highlight your amazing reviews with a Review Widget
  • Delight website visitors with a modern customer experience

Third Party Service

This plugin requires an active account with a third-party service from DemandHub Inc. in order to enable DemandHub’s website widgets on your website. This plugin will require an access token from your DemandHub account, which will then allow the widgets to appear on your WordPress website.

For more information about DemandHub, please visit DemandHub

DemandHub’s Terms of Service can be found here: Terms of Service DemandHub’s Privacy Policy can be found here: Privacy Policy

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